Democratic 2020 Presidential Candidates on Government Reform
May 17, 2019Pete Buttigieg:
Citizens United was a disaster for our democracy.
Created plan to ensure diversity in city government jobs.
Make Supreme Court appointments less partisan.
Abolish Electoral College; it makes society less democratic.
Need to depoliticize Supreme Court.
Open to expanding judiciary in reaction to GOP actions.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Julian Castro:
Require candidates to release tax returns.
We need election security against foreign interference.
John Delaney:
Nationally televised debates between President and Congress.
Kirsten Gillibrand:
Overturn Citizens United; refuse corporate PAC donations.
Jay Inslee:
End the filibuster; it dooms good legislation.
Amy Klobuchar:
Honest Ads Act no more foreign meddling in elections.
Automatically register citizens to vote when they turn 18.
Beto O`Rourke:
Increase Supreme Court to 15 independent Justices.
Supports term limits for Congress.
Bernie Sanders:
Require disclosure of campaign expenditures over $10,000.
Citizens United is most disastrous decisions in history.
Elizabeth Warren:
Supports a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists.
Constitutional Amendment to protect the right to vote.
Marianne Williamson:
DC should have representation in Congress.
Must address election security & Russian interference.
Andrew Yang:
Supports statehood for DC & Puerto Rico.